Albert v0.22.0 released
- Add commandline option for logging filter rules
- Add contour terminal
- Add settingswindow shortcut action for plugin settings
- Add feature copy and paste
- Add “Run empty query” option
- Add handler configurations tab
- Sort fallbacks
- LexSort items having equal score
- Doxygen documentation
API 0.22:
- TriggerQueryHandler
- Add bool supportsFuzzyMatching()
- Add bool fuzzyMatchingEnabled()
- Add void setFuzzyMatchingEnabled(bool)
- Add QString trigger() (the user configured one)
- GlobalQueryHandler
- Add applyUsageScore(…).
- Inherit TQH, i.e. every handler is a TQH
- IndexQueryHandler
- Reimplement TQH fuzzy methods
- Default synopsis
- Plugin system
- Revert multithreaded plugin laoding (Qt makes problems everywhere)
- Statically inject metadata, use it for PluginInstances
- Move native plugin interface into plugin:: namespace
- Cache/Conf/Data dirs per plugin only (were per Extension)
- Add PluginInstance::extensions()
- Add Template based ExtensionPlugin(Instance)
- Make native plugin a template class to allow subclassing any QObject
- Frontend:
- Add Frontend::winId, Move the window quirks to the core
- Use appwide input history file
- Add generic qml/widgets icon provider to interface
- Add generic icon provider, creating icons on the fly
- Fuctions and macros:
- Put all free functions in albert.h
- Add openUrl QUrl overload
- Add convenience macros for user property definition
- Require albert logging category to pass the name
- Add state file
- Add global settings factory
- Rename History to InputHistory
- Drop QueryHandler convenience class
- Drop global albert.h include
- [clipboard]
- Add paste action
- [wbm]
- Remove option “display icon”
- Appwide input history
- [websearch]
- Adopt to sorted fallbacks, drop dragndrop in listview
- Add drag’n’drop image feature
- [snippets]
- Add paste action
- Snippets are now required to be txt files!
- [qml:2.0] Revamped QML frontend
- [python]
- Mimic internal api as close as possible
- Attach logging functions to plugin modules
- Expose albert::setClipboardTextAndPaste
- Expose albert::Notification
- [files]
- Show filePath instead path in subtext
- Add option for case sentivity of fs browsers.
- Add user property for inline config
Python plugins
- Interface v2.0 stub
- [emoji] New generic and platform agnostic emoji implementation
- [duckduckgo] Add extension
- [color] Add extension
And loads of other changes…
Check the GitHub repositories for details.