Albert v0.19.3 released
- [md] Use content if long description is a file path
- Use both, extension and item id, as icon cache key
- Add standard pixmaps support to iconprovider
- Workaround terminator bug #702
- [wbm] Add Nord theme
- [calc] Respect LC_*
- [chromium] Fix filewatcher does not watch bookmarks
- [wbm] Do not exit on missing themes
- [wbm] Use generic placeholder color for input hint
- [app:xdg] Add exec key option. Also exclude ‘env’ in exec keys.
- [wbm] Fix clipped label
- [WBM] fix open theme file action
- [files] Provide trash item
- [wbm] Fix list view height margins
- [trash] Drop. Provided by files plugin now.
Check the GitHub repositories for details.