#include <QLoggingCategory>
Go to the source code of this file.
#define | ALBERT_LOGGING_CATEGORY(name) Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(AlbertLoggingCategory, "albert." name) |
| Defines the logging category used in DEBG, INFO, WARN, CRIT, GWARN, GCRIT.
#define | DEBG qCDebug(AlbertLoggingCategory,).noquote() |
| Creates a log object (level debug) you can use to pipe text into (<<).
#define | INFO qCInfo(AlbertLoggingCategory,).noquote() |
| Creates a log object (level info) you can use to pipe text into (<<).
#define | WARN qCWarning(AlbertLoggingCategory,).noquote() |
| Creates a log object (level warning) you can use to pipe text into (<<).
#define | CRIT qCCritical(AlbertLoggingCategory,).noquote() |
| Creates a log object (level critial) you can use to pipe text into (<<).
#define | cred "\x1b[31m" |
#define | cgreen "\x1b[32m" |
#define | cyellow "\x1b[33m" |
#define | cblue "\x1b[34m" |
#define | cmagenta "\x1b[35m" |
#define | ccyan "\x1b[36m" |
#define | creset "\x1b[0m" |
( |
name | ) |
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(AlbertLoggingCategory, "albert." name) |
Defines the logging category used in DEBG, INFO, WARN, CRIT, GWARN, GCRIT.
- Parameters
name | The name of the logging category |
◆ cblue
◆ ccyan
◆ cgreen
#define cgreen "\x1b[32m" |
◆ cmagenta
#define cmagenta "\x1b[35m" |
◆ cred
◆ creset
#define CRIT qCCritical(AlbertLoggingCategory,).noquote() |
Creates a log object (level critial) you can use to pipe text into (<<).
◆ cyellow
#define cyellow "\x1b[33m" |
#define DEBG qCDebug(AlbertLoggingCategory,).noquote() |
Creates a log object (level debug) you can use to pipe text into (<<).
#define INFO qCInfo(AlbertLoggingCategory,).noquote() |
Creates a log object (level info) you can use to pipe text into (<<).
#define WARN qCWarning(AlbertLoggingCategory,).noquote() |
Creates a log object (level warning) you can use to pipe text into (<<).