No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CActionAction used by result items (Item)
 CBackgroundExecutorProvides a lean interface for recurring indexing tasks
 CDependencyBase class for StrongDependency and WeakDependency
 CExtensionAbstract extension class
 CExtensionPluginConvenience base class for extension plugins
 CExtensionRegistryThe common extension pool
 CFallbackHandlerAbstract fallback provider
 CFrontendThe interface for albert frontends
 CGlobalQueryHandlerAbstract global query handler
 CIndexItemAn item utlized by ItemIndex
 CIndexQueryHandlerIndex query handler class
 CInputHistoryInput history class
 CItemResult items displayed in the query results list
 CMatchAugmented match score
 CMatchConfigConfiguration for string matching
 CMatcherConfigurable string matcher
 CNotificationThe notification class
 CPluginInstanceAbstract plugin instance class
 CPluginLoaderPlugin loader interface class
 CPluginMetaDataCommon plugin metadata of plugins
 CPluginProviderPlugin provider interface class
 CQueryCommon query object
 CRankItemAn Item with a score
 CStandardItemGeneral purpose value type Item implememtation
 CStrongDependencyConvenience holder class for plugin hard dependencies
 CTriggerQueryHandlerAbstract trigger query handler
 CWeakDependencyConvenience holder class for plugin soft dependencies